About me

  • I’m an Infographic Designer born in Costa Rica, based in New York.
  • I’m Graphics Editor for The New York Times.

Former Data Visualization Developer at Reuters, Singapore. Also former Director of Digital Design at the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong. I also spent a few years working as Senior Infographic Designer at La Nación in Costa Rica and Lecturer of Information Design at the Science and Arts University of Costa Rica.

I have conducted lectures in the major Universities in Costa Rica: The University of Costa Rica(UCR), The National University of Costa Rica(UNA), and The Technological Institute of Costa Rica(TEC). In Hong Kong I have held lectures and exhibitions at leading Universities such as the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Hong Kong Institute of Design and the University of Hong Kong.

Lucky enough to have seen some of my print and digital pieces published in newspapers as La Nación (Costa Rica), The Zeit (Germany), Courrier International (France), The South China Morning Post (Hong Kong). Some graphics can also be found in books from Tokyo based BNN publishers, the Society for News Design (USA) and Malofiej (Spain).

Print pieces such as The Power of your Passport and Bolts from the Blue have been exhibited in private galleries and universities in Hong Kong and Turin, Italy.

Find me on:  Mastodon   or   Twitter

5 thoughts on “About me

  1. Pingback: Love Sticky Notes? We have 5 of Them From an Infographic Designer – Society for News Design

  2. I enjoyed your talk at SND’s Designing for Success on October 22. I admire your work and like your “sticky notes” advice. Can you please share the URL that the blogs that you like? Thank you so much.


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